Here’s to a Healthy New Year

Here’s to a Healthy New Year

It’s January, and it’s kind of a bummer month: holidays are gone but all your holiday weight isn’t, it’s still cold and now you’re expected to go back to work after more time off than you’ve been accustomed to all year. #woof While I can’t dictate your work schedule or the weather, however, I compiled some of my healthiest goodness for you to help rid you of that extra lingering holiday “cheer”.

Homemade Pink Pasta Sauce Recipe

Homemade Pink Pasta Sauce Recipe

Whether you like or dislike red or white pasta sauces you may very well love the two combined. Full disclosure, I’ve never been a fan of either, but was convinced by a friend to try the ‘pink’ sauce at a very popular local pasta shop. Taking that leap of faith was a great idea, because I LOVED it!