Coffee & Drinks
Skinny Blood Orange Martini Cocktail

Skinny Blood Orange Martini Cocktail

This year for New Year’s Eve we plan to hang around the house and make a real event of it. I happened to have this delicious Dry Botanical Bubbly home and will be making myself a delightful blood orange martini to enjoy.

Starbucks Skinny Peppermint White Mocha

Starbucks Skinny Peppermint White Mocha

Tis’ the season for red cups and the delicious, wintery drinks that fill them. But if you’ve ever sipped a Starbucks mocha and thought it was too rich, I have just the treat for you.

12 Low Caffeine Starbucks Drinks

12 Low Caffeine Starbucks Drinks

Whether you’re caffeine sensitive like me, need less caffeine in the afternoon or maybe you’re an expectant mother, this list will give you several different drinks you can order with 100 mg of caffeine or less.

Starbucks Skinny Vanilla Blonde Latte

Starbucks Skinny Vanilla Blonde Latte

Not all coffee drinkers are crazy, take-it-black die hards. Like any other human I need my caffeine but I’m not here for the natural bean water flavor…

Banana, Yogurt and Matcha Smoothie

Banana, Yogurt and Matcha Smoothie

This smoothie is a great way to get a bunch of vitamins, minerals and proper caffeination while also filling your belly well through the morning. Plus, it tastes UH-mazing – very banana flavored – unlike what you’d think something this color would taste like. It’s one of my favorite (and easiest) smoothies yet!

Teavana Shaken Iced Tea Infusions Review

Teavana Shaken Iced Tea Infusions Review

These fruity infusions are here for the long haul – see how they stacked up inside. Plus, who doesn’t love freebies? Especially if our bff Starbucks is the one with the handouts?

Matcha Fruit Smoothie Recipe

Matcha Fruit Smoothie Recipe

If you need to up your fruit intake or are looking to really max out on the benefits of green tea, this is a solid, fun stop on your journey. Plus, you can see what all the matcha buzz is about.