Greek Yogurt Bagels Recipe

Greek Yogurt Bagels Recipe

These bagels are made from solely Greek yogurt and self-rising flour, but taste just the carby bagels you know and love. Best part? They taste AMAZING! You have to try them to believe it!

Avocado Toast Spreads

Avocado Toast Spreads

One day I had some leftover salsa from a breakfast skillet and decided to smear a little on top of my avocado toast, what an amazing decision!

Summer Porridge Overnight Oats Recipe

Summer Porridge Overnight Oats Recipe

Summer porridge is oatmeal’s cooler counterpart, because who wants to eat hot oatmeal in 85 degree heat? No fear, this overnight oats recipe is great even in the cold, it’s more of a dynamic spin on plain old yogurt.

Texas Toast French Toast Recipe

Texas Toast French Toast Recipe

For Kevin’s birthday, I told him to pick whatever he’d like for breakfast in bed. French toast is one of his all-time favorite breakfasts, but he doesn’t regularly have it, so this was the perfect time to really treat him. Having never made it though, I did a little research and created my own French toast recipe just for the occasion.

Hearty Breakfast Skillets

Hearty Breakfast Skillets

Why would we put most of our energy-rich consumption at the end of the day anyway? Add more protein to your breakfast, your metabolism will thank you.

Bagel Thin and Egg On the Go Breakfast

Bagel Thin and Egg On the Go Breakfast

Love sneaking egg into your daily diet but don’t have time to cook every morning? Or maybe you just want to eat better without spending a fortune every day? Healthy breakfast meal prep is much more accessible than you think.