Starbucks Kiwi Starfruit Refresher Review

Starbucks Kiwi Starfruit Refresher Review

Starbucks is crushing it with releasing new drinks as we move into summer. First the Strawberry Funnel Cake Frappuccino and now the Kiwi Starfruit Refresher. However, the two were not created equal (lucky for the Kiwi Starfruit Refresher).

Starbucks Cookies and Cream Frappuccino

Starbucks Cookies and Cream Frappuccino

Straight from the Starbucks Secret Menu, this Cookies and Cream Frappuccino is everything and more. I’ve been craving cookies and cream ice cream this whole first trimester. So, when I made an afternoon Starbucks stop recently I asked my barista for the closest thing they had.

Starbucks Skinny Peppermint White Mocha

Starbucks Skinny Peppermint White Mocha

Tis’ the season for red cups and the delicious, wintery drinks that fill them. But if you’ve ever sipped a Starbucks mocha and thought it was too rich, I have just the treat for you.

12 Low Caffeine Starbucks Drinks

12 Low Caffeine Starbucks Drinks

Whether you’re caffeine sensitive like me, need less caffeine in the afternoon or maybe you’re an expectant mother, this list will give you several different drinks you can order with 100 mg of caffeine or less.

Cozy Cardigans and Sweaters from Amazon

Cozy Cardigans and Sweaters from Amazon

Amazon has been killing it with amazing Fall clothing this year! We’re talking good quality, soft, comfortable cardigans and sweaters you’re going to live in.

Invest in a Tesalate Sand Free Towel

Invest in a Tesalate Sand Free Towel

I'll be leaving the beach AT the beach this year with my new Tesalate Sand Free Towel! Last week kicked off tanning season when it reached 70 degrees. Can't hit the public beaches just yet though, and sadly, I do not have one of my own. So I bought a lounger and laid...

Valentine’s Day Outfit Roundup

Valentine’s Day Outfit Roundup

With a solid 2.5 more weeks to order on Prime you’re sure to find something here that suits your style before the biggest date of the year.

Your BAE is Traveling To-Do List

Your BAE is Traveling To-Do List

You put off tons of things to spend more time with each other, as you should - cheerish that time, even though to-do lists are piling up. Take advantage of your 'me time' for the must-dos while bae is traveling, or even just the want-to-dos, to free up time and clear...